One of the most rewarding programs that Holy Innocents Church sponsors is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). It is designed for those who are attracted by the Gospel message and are discerning the next step in their spiritual lives

An invitation is extended to:

  • The person who has given some thought to joining the church and would like more information before making a decision.
  • The person who has been attending Mass With a spouse but has held back from joining.
  • Someone who is preparing to marry a Catholic and would like to share the faith of their future wife or husband.
  • Those who in some way are searching for God and wish to fill the void in their lives.
  • The Catholic who over the years has drifted away from the church and would like to come home again.
  • The baptized Catholic who has not received Eucharist or Confirmation.

The Holy Spirit has already touched the lives of these people, but the Spirit usually works through others, like you. If you know someone who might be Interested in joining our program please invite them. Perhaps all that is needed is an invitation.

Sr. Bernadette Schuler, osf

Director of Religious Education

732 922-4242 x32