Week of July 9, 2017

Week of July 9, 2017


Dear Parishioners, The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth (SCN) will be here next weekend to share SCN Family stories with the Holy Innocents Parish Community.

Monica Boggs, SCN Associate will speak at all the Masses next weekend on behalf of the SCN ministries which began in the United States, expanding to India in 1947, Belize in 1975, Nepal in 1979 and Botswana in 2000.

The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, founded in Nelson County Kentucky in 1812, through their ministries of healthcare, education and social service carry the message of Christ’s love for those in need throughout the world. You can learn more about the Congregation’s ministries at www.scnfamily.org.

Monica will speak to us about the works of the Sisters and invite us to be a part of the SCN Family by participating through prayers and financial assistance. Next week’s second collection will be taken up to support the Sisters in their ministry to the victimized, oppressed and marginalized internationally. We know that, as always, you will be as generous as your means allow. Holy Innocents has the reputation of being a most welcoming and generous parish!


Fr. Carter