Week of November 15, 2020

Week of November 15, 2020


Dear Parishioners,

I have some great news for you all this week. The Zoning Board of Neptune Township has passed and memorialized a resolution saying that we are finally allowed to rent our school. It has taken almost 18 months to receive approval. The charter school is an excellent use of the building and an important source of income for the parish which will greatly help us to improve the campus and the church.

However, in order to get this approval, we had to promise to improve the campus before the school can move in. The charter school has agreed to share the cost of these improvements and so over the next month or so you may notice the following changes:

Build a concrete block enclosure for the dumpster.

Install a new sidewalk on West Bangs Ave in front of the school with handicap access and crosswalks to connect to the sidewalk along the parking lot exit road

  •  Install a playground.

  •  Install fencing for a play area for the students to have recess.

  • New signage and stripes for traffic control.

None of these things are insurmountable and once we get them done and receive the Certificate of Occupancy, we can rent the school. I just wanted to let you all know so that when you see these changes you will know what is going on. God has given us a great school building and it ought to be used as a school. I am very glad that we are moving forward with these plans. Though I never wanted to close our school, this transition is good for the health and stability of the parish.

Even though this will be a great help for the parish, I also remind you all that we are greatly dependent on the offerings given to us in Church. We are going to have to replace the roof of the Church soon which will cost us about $350,000. (Not to mention other repairs that our church building needs.) So, I encourage you all to please maintain giving to the Holy Innocents Church even if you are unable to physically come to Mass. And of course, thank you to all you who have generously continued giving during these uncertain times.

God bless!

Fr. Carter