Week of May 1, 2016

Week of May 1, 2016


Fr.MikeIIDear brothers and sisters,

The Easter Season continues, and in this Sixth Week of Easter we are reminded of the great gift we are given in the Advocate or the Holy Spirit. Jesus was preparing the disciples for His departure so that He could take His rightful place at the right hand of the Father. Jesus knew His announcement would trouble His disciples but He also knew that their love for Him would overcome their fear and give way to joy. However, He was announcing to them and to us that the great Holy Spirit would breathe new life into His people. We remember this is the same spirit which raised Jesus from the dead. The Holy Spirit is a powerful advocate for us in discerning the will of the Father for us in our lives. Jesus called His disciples to enter into the love that He and His Father shared and reminded them that, “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” (Jn 14:26)

The peace that Jesus gives us is meant to calm us and remind us that we are God’s children whom he loves totally and completely. His peace helps us overcome fear and allows us to understand that each of us are temples for the Holy Spirit. We are meant to allow the perfect love of the Father and Jesus to dwell within us. What a powerful promise! This Spirit will help us to remember that we are called to allow God to touch the world through us with His love and mercy. Let us take time this week to reflect on how open we are to welcoming the Holy Spirit into our hearts.


Fr. Mike