Week of August 28, 2016

Week of August 28, 2016


Fr.MikeIIDear brothers and sisters,

It is hard to believe that the summer is almost over, it seemed to fly by. Already our children are preparing to return to school and college and our parents are rushing to buy clothes and supplies for school. We pray that we are able to remain peaceful through all of the hustle and bustle of these preparations, and we pray for our teachers who are getting ready as well.

However, the summer is not over yet and we can tell when we leave church and see the Parish Picnic tickets on sale. It is such a good time to come out as a parish and share fun in the sun together. I would like to invite you to take a break and bring the family out on September 18th to our Annual Parish Picnic. It will also be a great time to meet your new parish priest, Fr. Todd Carter, the parish Administrator. He will arrive on September 13th. I pray that we enjoy the rest of the summer together.


Fr. Mike

Parish Picnic Tickets are available for purchase in the gathering space following all weekend Masses. We ask that you make every effort to sell your 50/50 Raffle Tickets. If you have not received a ticket book, please call the Office 732 922-4242 x10 and one will be sent out. All tickets (sold and unsold) should be retuned to the Parish Office as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued support of Holy Innocents Parish!