Week of July 10, 2016

Week of July 10, 2016


Fr.MikeIIDear brothers and sisters,

Our Gospel calls us to the cardinal commandment given by Jesus, it is cardinal because Jesus tells us that all of the law and the prophets, “hinge” on these two commandments. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” This is often very difficult in practice. For example, how many times have we treated a stranger like family and our families like strangers. It is so important to make sure that we begin to build our relationships at home with love and peace. That is why it is so important to maintain our relationship with God. Once we have our relationship with God strong, then the other relationships will fall into place. God gives us the grace to live these extraordinary commandments. We need His love to truly live out these commandments.

What does Jesus’ story tell us about true love for one’s neighbor? First, we must be willing to help even if others brought trouble on themselves through their own fault or negligence. Second, our love and concern to help others in need must be practical. Good intentions and showing pity, or empathizing with others, are not enough. And lastly, our love for others must be as wide and as inclusive as God’s love. God excludes no one from His care and concern. God’s love is unconditional. So we must be ready to do good to others for their sake, just as God is good to us.

Jesus not only taught God’s way of love, but He showed how far God was willing to go to share in our suffering and to restore us to wholeness of life and happiness. Jesus overcame sin, suffering, and death, through His victory on the cross. His death brought us freedom from slavery to sin, and the promise of everlasting life with God. He willingly shared in our suffering to bring us to the source of true healing and freedom from sin and oppression. True compassion not only identifies and empathizes with the one who is in pain, but takes that pain on oneself in order to bring freedom and restoration.


Fr. Mike