Week of April 7, 2024

Week of April 7, 2024


Dear Parishioners,

I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who made our Holy Week and Easter Triduum services possible. A lot of work goes into making Palm Sunday, Tenebrae, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil, and Easter morning services happen.

I thank Fr. Caesar for saying the Holy Thursday Mass and for being present at our other events.

I thank the Deacons: John Klincewicz and Bob Cerefice for serving the Masses. I especially thank Deacon John for also attending and help run all the rehearsals for the services. I would also like to thank our deacon candidates Chris Ellis and Tim Fox. Chris was especially helpful being our thurifer for Holy Thursday and the Easter Vigil. He has only two years left to go before he is ordained (God willing). So, please keep him in your prayers.

I thank anyone who served as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at any of these events as well as all of the Lectors.

I thank Christa Dalmazio and everyone in the choir for providing such lovely music for all these events. Christa worked extra hard this year, beginning with the Tenebrae service. We are blessed to have such a strong music program.

I thank all of our servers who served these events. I wish we had even more of them since I had to call some out of retirement to cover all the parts. We could do so much more of the ceremonies even at Sunday Mass if we had more altar servers. But I am thankful for the ones we do have!

I also thank all the decorators and sacristans, especially Lawrence Ghezzi who coordinates them. There is so much background work that goes into making the Church presentable and lovely.

I would also like to thank the ushers who are led by Wayne Berning. I am so glad that we have had ushers at all of our Masses to be helpful to the congregation, and to take up the collections.

I also thank anyone who invited someone to Church for Easter. We should be encouraging people to practice their faith and to live it more firmly.

Lastly, I would like to thank anyone I may have forgotten. May we all work to worship God and love Him above all things.

God bless!

Fr. Carter

P.S. Feel free to reach out to me if you want to be involved in any of these ministries!