Week of August 18, 2024

Week of August 18, 2024


Dear Parishioners,

Does science disprove God? No, but that does not stop certain people from saying so. Usually this is because they take their own materialistic worldview and apply it to the evidence. This is exactly why we need people of faith to be involved in the modern sciences. As our faith teaches; faith and reason do not contradict.

It is impossible for science to disprove God because God cannot be subject to the sciences. Science studies what can be sensed and measured. God does not submit to any tests and does not necessarily show Himself when called upon. So, science is the wrong tool for investigating God. It’s like trying to use a telescope to examine a blood sample. It won’t work.

Those who believe that we can only know what can be shown by science already have a number of facts that they do believe in that are not from science. The most obvious thing that they believe in that can’t be shown by science is that we can trust science. However, science can’t prove itself. Likewise most people hold many other unproven intuitive beliefs such as the sun will rise tomorrow, the law of noncontradiction and that it is better to do good than evil. None of these can be investigated by science.

You might be wondering now what is a good reason to believe in God. So, I’m going to offer one of the most compelling to the scientific community that even converted well known skeptic Anthony Flew. It’s called the fine tuning argument. There are certain constants that must be the way they are in order for the universe to even exist. If gravity were a little stronger, the universe would immediately collapse after the big bang. If it were weaker, then planets and stars could not form. Scientists identify 3 other constants like this one: the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force and electromagnetic force. The chances of getting these forces absolutely correct on chance is like winning the lottery every day for the rest of your life. So, this points that there had to be a super intelligent and all powerful being who exists outside the universe that set these constants where they needed to be for everything to exist.

I am of course giving a very brief summary of this argument. But my point is that science does not disprove the faith and in fact can be used to support it. May we trust in God who gave us both our faith and our reason to investigate and love this wonderful world that He also gave us.

God Bless!

Fr. Carter