Dear Parishioners,
Merry Christmas! It is good that you come to Church to celebrate Our Savior’s birth. Many people think that God is distant and unknowable. But, we believe that He can be known because he reveals Himself to us. We are blessed to believe in God who is so present that He comes to us in the most humble form: a child. Jesus is God and He takes on everything that it means to be human. He does this so that we can love Him and that He may show us His love.
In the Eucharist, Our Lord is still present with us. Though we cannot see Him, He is really there, and He is calling each and every one of us to come to Him. We are made to know, love and serve our God and the chief way we do all of those things is to worship Him. He desires that we worship Him by praying the Mass. The Mass is the way He chose to give us the grace me need to live out the type of life He desires and eventually to lead us to heaven. God is always here for you.
It saddens me to think that so many Catholics do not come to Mass every Sunday. It is not just missing an obligation, nor is it just breaking a rule. It is missing a chance to do what God made you to do and nothing else makes up for it. No amount of rosaries or graces before meals or prayers before bed (and those are all great habits) can make up for not attending Mass weekly. In this life, we can choose to love God or not to love God and one day each of us will have to answer for that. Jesus is Our Savior. But, not even He can save us against our own wills.
I wish you all God’s blessing. I wish that you all grow to be happier and holier people. I hope that you all may know Our Lord and love Him. May you find the peace that can only come from Him.
God bless!
Fr. Carter
P.S. This Wednesday at 7 pm, we are celebrating our parish feast day with a Latin Mass. I invite you all to come. The music will be chant and polyphony and the form will be solemn.