Week of July 29, 2018

Week of July 29, 2018


Dear Parishioners,

I would like to take some time to update you all on how some groups that I am running are coming along in the parish.

  • The Bible study has gone well this past year. The first half of the year, we did a video format for the study that pulled together many parts of scripture into a single theme: the sacraments. While the second half was more about reading a book of the Bible (in this case the Gospel of Mark) and answering study questions. I like the second format much better since it is more interactive. So, this fall, I plan to start the study again at the same time (Mondays, 5 pm in the conference room) and we will read some of the New Testament Epistles: Romans, Galatians and Hebrews. (approximate starting date: September 17th)
  • The Reading Group is going well. We have already read Hard Saying, Imitation of Christ, Protestants and Catholic and we are now finishing Scripture and the Family of God (first volume of the Catholic For a Reason series). In September (probably the 20th), we will begin Re- discover Jesus by Matthew Kelley. In the Reading Group, we discuss books we are reading to- gether about the Catholic faith. And it has been a rewarding way to spend time with people. I always learn something about the faith.
  • We are currently planning great things for the Youth Group. So, if you have children you would like to be involved, please contact me for further updates. I don’t want to say too much now. But, we will have a whole new presence in Church. Stay tuned.
  • St. Paul Street Evangelization is coming along very well. (I will have to write another post about my experiences with it.) After some planning meetings, I was able to go out with some guys from St. Mary Parish in Middletown and see how evangelization works from people who know what they are doing. I think this can be a huge movement that can change the church and I look forward to continuing to help it grow.
  • Lastly, I really ought to do more with the Traditional Latin Mass. Every so often, someone asks me when I’m going to do another one. Obviously, we don’t really have the room in the Sunday Mass schedule to add more Masses. So, I am going to probably do some special events featuring it, celebrating some Holy Days when I can. Of course, I am more likely to add a Mass if there is a ground swell of support for it. So, feel free to contact me about that if you have any input.

Please pray for our parish. Good things are happening at Holy Innocents. If you would like to contact me about anything at all, the best way to do so is via email: toddcarterpriest@gmail.com

God bless!

Fr. Carter