Dear Parishioners,
In today’s Gospel, Jesus talks about the value of the Kingdom of Heaven. He compares it to a pearl of great price. It is worth so much that one is willing to sell all that they have to obtain it. This parable reminds me of something I have recently read in a book called The Glories of Divine Grace by Matthias Scheeben. In it, he reflects on the value of the life of God, saying:
If you could recall your deceased brother to life by contrition for your sins, would you be so full of hatred toward God or of cruelty toward your bother as not to do this! Now you may easily by one act of [perfect] contrition, raise yourself from death-not of the body, but of the soul-from an eternal death to an eternally blissful life. And yet you hesitate, and you refuse that wonderful assistance which God offers you.
His point is that we often are willing to sacrifice greatly and work hard on things that do not last and do not bring ultimate happiness. The life of God is so attainable and yet we avoid it. It could be because we love our sins. It could be because the problems of this world are so distracting. It could be because we simply don’t value God that highly. But, for the sake of our souls, we have to put God first.
And if you think you are unforgivable, I assure you that God’s love is limitless and He is always present. I pray that we may appreciate this life that God gives us and to accept it as the great gift it is.
God bless!
Fr. Carter
P.S. Matthias Scheeben is a German theologian from the 19th century. His work has greatly influenced Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. But, only recently has much of his work been translated into English. He is a clear and deep writer and a joy to read.