Week of March 26, 2023

Week of March 26, 2023


Dear Parishioners,

I would like to take a moment to update you all on the Eucharistic Revival. Earlier this month, the Diocese of Trenton asked us to send representatives to a meeting to talk about how the three-year period of Eucharistic Revival is going. It is so incredibly vital that we renew people’s devotion to the Blessed Sacrament because it really is Christ Himself and it is the source and summit of our entire faith. If we want the faith to exist on this earth, we are called to worship God as He desires in this sacrament.

We are coming to the end of Year One which focused on events on a Diocesan level. This included having a Mass in Turkey Swamp Park, making a prayer card, and having a retreat for youth and for Catechists. They also declared a shrine to the Blessed Sacrament at St. Mary’s parish in Middletown where they have perpetual adoration.

Soon Year Two of the Revival will begin. So, the Diocese would like for us to focus on Eucharistic Revival on the parish level. I plan to talk more about these events in the future. But it suffices for now to mention them briefly here:

  • A Eucharistic Procession on the Feast of Corpus Christi.
  • Offer small group studies for home.
  • Develop a welcoming ministry in the parish.
  • Generally encourage reverence to the Eucharist.

Also, I wouldn’t mind starting our own Perpetual Adoration Chapel once we have access to the chapel in the Upper Room.

If anyone would like to help out with any of this, feel free to reach out to me.

The Third and Final Revival will focus on the Eucharistic Conference in Indianapolis. At that time, there will be four Eucharistic Processions that begin in the four corners of our nation and they will all end at the conference itself. This is a massive undertaking and I look forward to see how it all turns out.

God bless!

Fr. Carter

Daily Consecration Prayer

O my God, in a spirit of adoration, thanksgiving, reparation and petition I offer you the actions and sufferings of this day in union with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, in order to render to that adorable Heart dwelling among us, the debt of justice and love due to his august Presence, and moreover to offer to your Divine Majesty through him, with him and in him the glory that he himself renders you here on earth. Lastly, I make this offering to obtain by means of that Almighty Mediator, peace for the Church, salvation for our country and all the other graces for which we call on you.