Week of May 12, 2019

Week of May 12, 2019


Dear Parishioners,

I would like to wish all the mothers in our parish a Happy Mother’s day. It can never be underestimated how important having a mother is. No one would be here without their mothers. It is through their mothers that people first experience complete and genuine love. Almost every mother I know would give their lives for their children and often they make great sacrifices so that their children can grow up well. This is the kind of love Christ had for us on the cross and I hope that it draws all mothers into even greater holiness.

As a church, we all share one mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is a mother who loved her son so much that she would have preferred to see her own death before his. But, ultimately willingly cooperated with the will of God for her son. On the cross, Jesus gives her to the Church as a mother and so we are all her children. As our mother, she is constantly interceding for us as seen through so many apparitions and visions in our Church’s history. Without her, we could not have a savior and so the Church honors her forever.

So, to all you mothers out there: thank you for your love and sacrifices. May you continue to nurture those in your care and remind them they are loved. To everyone who has a mother, be sure to cherish and thank them. To everyone in general, don’t forget to say a prayer and thank the Blessed Virgin Mary as well.

God bless!

Father Carter

P.S. On a completely different note, I’m sure many of you are curious about how the meeting with the township zoning board went. After 2 hours of arguing, the decision was inconclusive and we are going to appear in front of them again on June 5th. So, please keep us in prayer as we go through this process. I will update you as we receive more information. And of course, if you have any questions feel free to contact me at the office or email me at toddcarterpriest@gmail.com.