Week of September 19, 2021

Week of September 19, 2021


Dear Parishioners,

I have three important announcements this week:

  • Please consider signing up for the blood drive next week. (Sunday, September 26th). Few people have signed up and the blood supplies are very low. This is an opportunity to help someone who might really need it.
  • If you have any school-aged children, it is your duty as a parent to bring them up in the faith. Religious Education classes have already begun. However, you can still sign-up. We do not want children to miss a year of education because there is nothing more important in this life than to prepare to know and love Our Lord.
  • This Sunday is also Catechetical Sunday. So, I will be offering a blessing to Catechists at the end of all the Masses. Please keep them in prayer as well.I have included the prayer given by the USCCB to help you pray for them. Being a Catechist is difficult, and a volunteer position. So be sure to thank the Catechist of your child, if you have one.

God bless and have a Happy Sunday!

Fr. Carter

Loving Father, we pray today for our catechists. We thank You for their gift of ministry in Your Church.

Grant them Your wisdom that they may grow in the understanding and teaching of Your Word. Grant them also Your love that they may be fruitful heralds of Your Word and lead others to love You.

Pour forth Your Holy Spirit upon them to grant them wisdom about what is important; knowledge of the truths of faith; understanding of their meaning; right judgement about how to apply them in life; courage to persevere even in the face of adversity; reverence before all that is sacred and holy; and that loving zeal which leads others to a transforming encounter with Your Son.

We pray this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.