Week of January 8, 2017

Week of January 8, 2017


Dear Parishioners,

At the beginning of the New Year, it is traditional to try new things. So, in the spirit of the New Year, I have three quick announcements. First, thank you to everyone who gave gifts to myself and the Church over Christmas and to everyone who volunteered their time and talents to make sure that all the liturgies went well. This goes especially to everyone who decorated and who played music. May you all continue to give glory to God with your talents.

Second, I am offering a new opportunity for those who would like to learn more about the faith. I am going to start a group that meets every other week in order to discuss books on the Catholic faith. These could be books on theology. But, they could also be about apologetics, literature, spirituality or history. I will designate the first book. But then all subsequent books will be picked by a vote. I ran a similar group at my previous parish and it was a lot of fun engaging in discussions. I will probably have it on Thursdays at 7pm in the conference room. But, I am open to any input anyone might have on this group. So, feel free to contact me as I make the final decisions of when to meet and what our first book will be. As of now my tentative start date is January 29th and I think Trent Horn’s “Hard Sayings: A Catholic Approach to Answering Biblical Difficulties” would be a good book to start.

Third, on Saturday January 21st at the 5:30pm mass, your former pastor, Fr. Mike Wallack will be returning to promote priestly vocations. This event will include Mass as well as soccer and hamburgers afterward. It should be a fun night for any young man who chooses to attend and desires to discern God’s call in his life. I really want this night to go well. So, please, if you know any young man who might have a vocation to the priesthood, please invite him. It is up to all Catholics to encourage priestly vocations and this is just one small nudge you can give to a guy who may be on the fence and not even realize it.

God bless and have a Happy New Year!

Fr. Carter