Dear Parishioners,
Today I would like to tell you about a group I started just this January: the Reading Group. I’m sure that you have heard it announced at Mass and in the bulletin. But, I am not sure if I ever fully explained what it is and why I find it so interesting.
The Reading Group is a book club that is dedicated to reading books that promote the Catholic Faith. It is based around personal reflection on the text and group discussion. Before the meeting, the particular passage is read by those who attend. When we gather as a group about every other week, we reflect on what we have read. I usually present a summary on each chapter, give my personal opinion and then open for discussion.
In the discussion, anything could be brought up. It is generally about what we read. But, it very easily leads into all sorts of topics. I find this aspect of Reading Group to be really helpful because there really is a lot that the faith teaches. In casual conversation, it is really hard to talk about what we believe. But, coming together in a group like this gives us license to open up and talk about what matters most. Many otherwise faithful Catholics have beliefs that are not true and it is good to bring those up so that we can discuss them. We all come to the truth from different angles and it is good to share what we know for the good of everyone. We should never think that we know everything because there is always something new to learn in our faith.
When we read good books, it really helps bolster our faith. We get bombarded every day with messages from a world that has lost faith and tries to undermine what we believe. We can often think that is the only perspective there is. But, Catholic thought is incredibly deep. It spans nearly two-thousand years and some of the greatest thinkers were men and women of deep and abiding faith. There is a giant treasure trove of books we could be reading that raises our perspective and causes us to reflect on the great mysteries of the faith.
So, if you’re interested in joining us, feel free to contact me at or call the office. We start a new book called Protestants and Catholics by Peter Kreeft this Thursday, July 6th at 7 pm in the faculty lounge of the school, so it’s a great time to jump in!
God bless.
Fr. Carter