Dear Parishioners,
As many of you know, we have not had Youth Ministry in the parish for a number of years. We have Religious Education, our School and sports programs and they all do great jobs. But, we have not had a ministry specifically dedicated to the spiritual growth of our youth. I think both our youth and our parish in general suffer because we lack a Youth Ministry and, if possible, I would like to start one this fall.
Youth Ministry is important for the spiritual growth of our young people. Many young people are trying to find their place in life and think of the Church as the place where their parents make them go every Sunday. Even more just go to church to receive their sacraments of initiation and that is as far as the relationship goes. Youth Ministry helps to bridge that gap between doing what is required and doing so because of a real love for God. The Church is often criticized for sacramentalizing without evangelizing. In Youth Ministry, we can bring the experience of Christ to the next generation. Youth Ministry is often thought of as another place for young people to hang out, or another event in an already busy schedule. But, my goal for this ministry is to assist the youth of this parish to become holier.
Youth Ministry is an investment in the future of our parish and the Church. No one lives forever and if we fail to pass on the faith to those who come after us, it will mean that the Church will either shrink or disappear. Jesus promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church. But, that does not mean we can take the Church for granted. It is up to us to share the faith and to continue the Church’s mission. And by sharing the faith, our faith and relationship with the Lord increases as well.
I am still working out the details on how specifically we plan to start this ministry. I have been approached by certain parishioners who would like to be involved in it and I plan to work out all the details with them. We still need to figure out what our plan is: whether or not we should hire a Youth Minister, what ages should be involved and when we would meet. But, if you have any input, would like to volunteer your time to help or have any youth in your family who would like to attend a youth group, feel free to contact me. My email is
Fr. Carter