Week of September 2, 2018

Week of September 2, 2018


Dear Parishioners,

Here is the parish news for this week:

  • Please welcome our new Music Director, Christa Dalmazio. Christa has been a cantor for our parish for several years and has just completed her Masters degree in voice from the Manhattan School of Music. She is a very positive person with a heart that loves her Church. So, I am sure you will all grow to appreciate her as she begins her new career in music ministry this weekend.
  • We also welcome our new Business Manager, Joseph Cahill. Joe has tons of experience working in business and he is also in charge of Risk Management for the Diocese. In his two months of being here, Joe has worked tirelessly to find ways for the parish to cut costs and work more efficiently. So, we thank him for that.
  • Many people have asked me whether or not we will be hosting Traditional Latin Masses. I have been working with Fr. Brian Woodrow at St. Dominic, Brick and Fr. Michael Wallack at St. John, Allentown and we have decided to host monthly Latin Masses at our parishes. So, as you may have noticed, the first one will be on September 14th at 7pm at St. Dominic’s in Brick for the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross. I will be serving that Mass as a subdeacon. So, feel free to come out and support us. We will definitely be hosting a Latin Mass for our parish feast day December 28th. I will let you all know future dates as we plan them.
  • On September 20th, we will be starting a new book for the Reading Group, which is our parish bi-weekly discussion group where we read books about the faith. The new book is “Rediscover Jesus” by Matthew Kelly. So, if you would like to read it and discuss it with people, feel free to join us at 7 pm in the conference room. It is a great way to learn about the faith.
  • Recently, our Consolation Minister has stepped down. A Consolation Minister is someone who helps prepare the funerals we have in church. The responsibilities of Consolation Minister include meeting with the family of the deceased, helping them pick out the options for the funeral (readings, music, etc.) and then attending the funeral to make sure everything is set up and to assist the family. A Consolation Minister needs no special training but to have a heart that’s compassionate and willing to work with people during the hour of their need. This ministry can even be performed by a group of people since it does require that someone is available any given day of the week since we can have funerals on any day except Sunday. If anyone feels called to this ministry, please contact me.
  • In a recent letter, our Bishop has asked each parish to set aside specific time of prayer and fasting “to pray for all victims and survivors of the sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults by clergy; to beg pardon for the failures of bishops and Church authorities for any attempt on their part to cover up these atrocities and crimes; to ask that God might give the whole Church including our Diocese the grace to place our faith, hope and trust in Him.” I am still working out the details on how to do this for our parish. But, if anyone has any ideas, I am open to them. I am thinking of having a special service of some type at the conclusion of one of our Thursday adoration times, possibly on October 11th. So, stay tuned for more info on that.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at the Office or by email: toddcarterpriest@gmail.com.

God bless,

Father Carter