Dear Parishioners,
As you probably already know, the Bishop is allowing the churches to reopen for private prayer. This is great news and I hope that it’s a sign that we can return to the sacraments sooner rather than later. Of course, we all still must be patient since this all depends on the state of the pandemic rather than any timelines we may prefer.
We still have to follow certain restrictions while in church. Among them are as follows:
- We have to limit attendance to 10 people. I don’t think this will be a problem since we were not getting that many people coming at any one time to outside events even before the lockdown.
- People have to wear masks while in church.
- The pews will be cleaned daily. But people are highly advised to clean whatever surfaces they touch.
- All hymnals and missals have already been removed from the pews.
I hope we can all follow these because if there is a resurgence of the virus or an outbreak in the parish, the church could very easily close again.
But still, this is good news. Until further notice, feel free to come to the church between 8 am and 2 pm on weekdays to pray if you like, and on Thursdays we will have Eucharistic Adoration from 9 am to 9 pm like normal. Pray to the Lord and stay close to Him. He is present in the Blessed Sacrament at Church and I’m so glad the faithful can return to their Holy Hours and Eucharistic devotion.
On a completely different note, the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord has been transferred from this Thursday to Sunday. This is pretty normal for the rest of our country outside the North East. So, next Sunday we will not be celebrating the 7th Sunday of Easter, but the Ascension instead. Also, there will not be any additional live stream that Thursday.
God bless!
Fr. Carter