Dear Parishioners,
Happy Palm Sunday. I just have a couple pieces of news for you this wonderful Sunday.
At the Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7 pm on April 14th, we need people to have their foot washed for that ceremony. If you would like to volunteer, please sign up in the usher’s closet.
On Saturday, April 16th, there will no 4 pm Vigil Mass because it is the Easter Vigil. We will have the Easter Vigil liturgy at 8 pm.
On Easter Sunday, April 17th, we will have no 5:30pm Mass. We will have only our normal 8 am, 10 am and 12 Noon Masses that day.
We are rebranding Parish Game Night to be Parish Game and Fellowship Night. Anyone can come even if you do not want to play a board game. We are doing this because according to the Synod, there is a strong outcry for opportunities for Catholics to come together and just spend time with each other. We will hold the next one on Friday, April 29th in the Cafeteria at 6 pm. Snacks and pizza are available, and donations are appreciated. I have other plans for promoting fellowship which I will share after Easter in a more complete summary of the Synod.
The Solemnity of the Ascension has been permanently transferred to the 7th Sunday of Easter by the Catholic Bishops of New Jersey, beginning this year. We will have no additional Masses on that Thursday since it is no longer a Holy Day of Obligation.
We are currently moving the outdoor stations of the cross to be along the crosswalk between the school and the field. Some of you may be alarmed to not see them in the area around the flagpole. But don’t worry. They are well and will be reestablished.
Lastly, thank you for all the donations and encouragements as we continue to improve the Church. We have recently painted and relit the Baptismal area. We have also reupholstered all the chairs in church. We have plans to reupholster the kneelers and get new presider chairs for the altar and the bell system should be coming soon.
I hope that is all clear and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me via email
God bless and have a Holy Week!
Fr. Carter