Credit Card / ACH Payments
You can now make your weekly offering or one-time charitable gift to Holy Innocents with a Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express credit card or by direct debit (ACH) transfer from your checking or savings account.
To get started, click on the “Parish Giving” link above and submit a one time donation or create a profile and schedule recurring donations.
What are the benefits of setting up a recurring donation?
- Reduces check writing for frequent donors
- Allows donations to continue uninterrupted during absences
- Allows donations to be spread out over time
- Reduces administrative costs for organizations
- Consumes fewer resources than paper check processing
- Creates a searchable transaction history 
Shop at Amazon? Would you like to help Holy Innocents with every purchase?
Go to and select Holy Innocents Church and School as your charity. Amazon will donate .05% to Holy Innocents with every purchase.
HI continues to participate in in the ShopWithScrip fundraising program. The Parish Office currently carries Shop Rite gift cards (in $25.00 denominations) and Walgreen’s gift cards (in $25.00 denominations). Scrip cards can be purchased any time during regular office hours, Monday-Friday.
Help Community Members in Need
St. Vincent de Paul Society is an outreach ministry of our parish which consists of members who, through their wholehearted volunteer efforts, try to touch the lives of those around us in our community by providing food donated from our parish, Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday programs, assistance with rent and utility bills, support and fellowship.
The food pantry is currently in need of food items as well as paper products. (Please check all “use by” dates on food. Items past their expiration date cannot be used.)
For assistance or to volunteer, call: 732-922-4242 x24