Dear Parishioners,
I know that many of you like to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the season of Advent. I think this is wonderful.Some people might criticize this practice saying that Advent has a different character than Lent. In Lent, we take on penances for our sins while in Advent, we are preparing ourselves for the coming of Our Lord and it is not a penitential season. I think that this division while true, really misses the point. If anyone has any sin that is keeping them from loving God with their whole hearts minds and souls, they ought to confess it. Confession is not just a seasonal event. But if the season reminds someone that they ought to go to confession, I will not dissuade them from coming to the sacrament. In fact, I encourage them to come to confession in season, and out of season. Advent is not a penitential season. But, neither is Lent the only season one ought to go to confession.
In order to make it easier for someone to come to the sacrament, here is a list of some of the times we and other parishes in the area are offering Confession during the weeks before Christmas:
Dec. 2nd/9th/16th/23rd –St. Rose Church, Belmar 7:00-7:45 pm (drop-in/Holy Hour)
Dec. 16 –St. Denis Church, Manasquan 11 am, Noon and 6-8 pm (drop-in)
Dec. 17 –St. Margaret’s Church, Spring Lake 7 pm (Penance Service)
Dec. 18 –St. Elizabeth’s Church, Avon 3:30 pm (drop-in)
Dec. 19 –Holy Innocents Church, Neptune 4:30-5:30 pm (drop-in/Holy Hour)
And, of course, there are the normal scheduled times for Confession at each parish.
I invite everyone to take advantage of these times provided by our local Catholic Churches. And if you do go, feel free to invite your friends and family members: especially those who have been away from Confession for more than a year. Once one falls out of the habit of going to Confession, it is incredibly hard to come back and usually the people who are most resistant are the ones who need it the most. So, if you love someone, want what’s best for them, and you know it’s been a while, do the charitable thing and invite them. We all have to do our part to bring people back to the mercy of God and you might be the only person who can encourage your friends and family.
I hope it goes well and I’ll be praying for you all. Have a Holy and Happy Advent.
God bless!
Father Carter