Hello Parishioners of Holy Innocents Church,
This Sunday we congratulate Fr. Evarist Kabagambe as he receives the Champion for Life Award from Mary’s Child Pro-life Ministry. I hope that everyone congratulates him when you see him this weekend!
As a Church, we recognize the importance of protecting life. We believe that taking a life on our own authority is always wrong. This principle is even stronger when applied to the lives of those who are innocent and defenseless. If we are not defending the right to life, then all other rights are hollow by comparison. Furthermore, we recognize through modern science that an embryo in the womb is human and therefore worthy of the rights held by all humans.
People can come up with all sorts of reasons for why we should not protect life in the womb. Whatever reason they give, there has to be some sort of solution that does not require the death of a human being. In the book of Deuteronomy (30:19), Moses gives this challenge to the Israelites, “I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life.” Even though those words were written thousands of years ago, their challenge can be applied to us today. Will we decide to be a people of life even though it is hard? Or will we chose death because it seems like the easier course?
Sometimes it is not very popular to stand up for life. It is easy to go the way of the world. Many people, in a moment of weakness, choose to do things they will regret for the rest of their lives. Yet, it is in these tough moments that a life could be saved. We should be glad that we are members of the Catholic Church which preaches the truth in season and out of season.
God bless!
Fr. Carter
P.S. If you have participated in the sin of abortion, I urge you to come to confession. When presented with moral truth, we can often be angry at those who give us that message. When the Church preaches morality, it is also with the aim to convert and to prepare for the Gospel. So, do not be afraid: come to confession and God will forgive you no matter what you have done. God has a plan for you.