Dear Parishioners,
We have a lot of events coming up during the Month of December:
- Friday December 1 st – Family Board Game Night will take place at 5 pm in the school cafeteria.
- Thursday December 7 th – Basics of the Traditional Latin Mass will be in the chapel at 7 pm. I will give some instruction before the Masses themselves. But this will be a much more in depth version for those who want to know the details about this form of the mass.
- December 7 th – Adoration will end at 5 pm because of the Holy Day.
- December 7 th /8 th – The Solemnity of the Immaculate is a Holy Day of obligation. We will have masses at 5:30 pm (vigil), 7 & 9 am, 12:10, 5:30 (Traditional Latin Mass) and 7 pm.
- December 9 th – The Living Nativity will take place after the 5:30 pm Mass.
- December 9 th /10 th /16 th /17 th – Oplatek (Polish Christmas Wafers) will be on sale at all the Masses while sup- plies last.
- December 19 th – The School’s Christmas show will be in the gym at 6 pm.
- December 20 th – At 7 pm will be the Advent Penance Service in our Church. There will also be a 4 pm Advent Penance Service at St. Elizabeth Church, Avon by the Sea.
- December 23 rd – We may need some help decorating the church after the 9 am Mass. If you’re interested in helping either call me at the office or email me at .
- December 23 rd /24 th /25 th – Christmas Eve falls on the same day as the Fourth Sunday of Advent this year. At- tending the Fourth Sunday of Advent is still obligatory and attending Christmas Eve does not fulfill your obligation for both Christmas and the Sunday. We are still having all of our normal Sunday Masses except the evening 5:30 pm (Sunday) Mass which is replaced by our Christmas Schedule as listed.
- December 28 th – Feast of The Holy Innocents. Though we do not have any special Masses scheduled, there will still be adoration all day. So, feel free to make a visit and say a special prayer for our parish.
- Jan 1 st – The Solemnity of the Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary is NOT a Holy Day of Obligation this year. Reading Group is going well as we continue to read the Imitation of Christ. We are also finishing up the Bible Study, “Bible and the Sacraments” this month.
Lastly, for those of you who use and are aware of their “smile” program, our school is now a charity included there. So, if you are willing to help our school with free money, please set “Holy Innocents School, Nep- tune” as your charity and Amazon will donate a portion of what you pay them to our parish school.
Fr. Carter