Dear Parishioners,
One of the great things about Catholicism is that it is deeply historical. Jesus Christ is at the center of everything we believe and there is thousands of years of history that foreshadowed His coming. Then after He ascended, His disciples evangelized the whole world. We believe as Catholics that the Church He founded is the Catholic Church. (As it says in the Second Vatican council, Christ’s Church subsists in the Catholic Church.) The Church has grown and developed in that time after dealing with so much human history and fault. We have had great leaders and poor ones. But, the Church continues to proclaim the message that Jesus really did rise from the dead and that is something we can be proud of.
Another great thing about Catholicism is that we believe that Jesus Christ lives on today. Though we cannot see Him, He is just as present today as He was in the time of His apostles. He is present in the Church, for sure. It is because of Him that we have all the sacraments and He continuously makes us holy. He is also present in the Blessed Sacrament, which we really do profess is His Body and Blood in the form of bread and wine. But, he is also present in the lives of all who believe in Him. He is still bringing people to conversation and healing and I think that is one of the greatest stories we never seem to tell each other. I have met so many people who have encountered Him in prayer and see His effect on their lives. We have so many great stories that we are for some reason afraid to share. Yet, it is a great sign that God is with us, now and forever.
So, I encourage you this day of the Lord’s Resurrection, to live out your faith. Pray, be charitable to one another, repent for your sins and trust in Christ. He died that we may have life more abundantly. (John 10:10) May we live out that life and draw more people to Him and His glory.
God bless,
Fr. Carter