Dear Parishioners,
I hope you are all staying safe and well. I know that many of you are annoyed that you cannot return to regular Mass at this time. It’s very easy to lash out at public authorities and the Bishop. But, as I have mentioned before, as strange as this situation is, it is what we have to do right now in order to protect each other until we all know for sure what damage this virus can do and how to prevent it. We have seen the examples of what happens in countries and communities that do not take it seriously, and we would like to avoid more deaths.
I don’t think many people outside the Church (and those in the Church that are not very well catechized) really understand why the faithful long to return to sacraments. Going to church is more than just coming together in a loving community. After all, many churches do not have great community life. Nor is going to church about hearing a lesson about our faith. After all, a poor homily does not make Mass not worth attending and there are plenty of options outside the Mass to learn the faith. Nor is it about simply receiving the Eucharist. If that were true, a communion service could replace the Mass.
What is attending Mass about? It’s about worshiping God. There is a longing in all our hearts to worship Him and to love Him above all things. He has established the way to worship Him at the Last Supper. In this act of worship, we adore God, we thank God, we atone for our sins and we ask God for help. There is no prayer that is higher and nothing more important to do in our Christian lives. You ought to desire greatly to return to Mass. But, it’s just not safe right now.
In the meantime, continue to practice your faith, love one another and pray that this period of lock-down will be over soon. It is useless to be angry over what we cannot control. Instead, pray for those in charge that they make wise and good decisions.
God bless!
Fr. Carter