Dear Parishioners,
I want to take a moment to talk about Active Participation in the Mass. The Second Vatican Council calls for it as, “the primary and indispensable source from which the faithful are to derive the true Christian spirit; and therefore pastors of souls must zealously strive to achieve it, by means of the necessary instruction, in all their pastoral work.” (Sacrosanctum Concilium 14) So, it’s necessary to live out the Christian life and pastors are called to instruct the faithful in all that they do.
The Church defines active participation as primarily interior participation that is made fuller through exterior acts. (see De Musica Sacra 22) We are both material and spiritual beings. So, both aspects of the person are addressed in the liturgy. We participate interiorly by preparing ourselves for Mass: make sure we are in a state of grace, fasting at least an hour before receiving communion, praying outside of Mass (and especially before Mass begins) and reading the readings ahead of time if one is able. Then, during the Mass doing one’s best to pay attention to the actions of the Mass and praying with the Mass. We participate exteriorly by making the proper movements with the congregations at the proper time (kneeling, standing, sitting and genuflecting), making the sign of the cross and through responding and singing the prayers of the Mass proper for the people.
The Church emphasizes participation of the people at Mass because it is necessary for the growth in a life of holiness. We are not called to be passive in our faith but to make it an integral part of our lives. Christ should be at the center of everything we do. Though we can often be distracted by all the things we need to do in the world, at Mass we have that time to refocus on what is most important. Therefore, it is with great importance for all Catholics to learn to pray the Mass properly.
One pitfall I’ve noticed when talking about active participation with people is that they think it means doing more in the Mass. (We must remember the example of the Blessed Mother and St. John who participated most fully in the death of Christ by just standing at the foot of the cross and loving Him.) Since the time of the Second Vatican Council, we have seen a multiplication of different activities people can do at Mass from being EMHCs, lectors, bringing up gifts, etc. These are all good things blessed by the Church and I do not mean to undermine them. But, they are not the same thing as active participation and can be a distraction from the Mass if not done in the spirit of active participation. So, I especially hope that all who have been generous with their time and talents for the sake of the liturgy may especially learn to pray the Mass. There is a danger to active participation when we are not practicing interior silence or when we make the liturgy about ourselves or when we lack reverence or when we are not living the type of life pleasing to God. And of course, as a priest I hold myself to these standards more than anyone else. May we all strive for holiness, and may we praise the Lord.
God Bless!
Fr. Carter