Dear Parishioners,
I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas weekend. Our Lord and Savior has been born to save us from our sins. God becomes man in order to represent man before God. Love itself takes human form so that we may love Him in return. God who is so good gives us the greatest thing He can: His only Son. These great mysteries are at the center of everything we believe as Catholics. We don’t only know them and contemplate them, but above all we celebrate and enjoy them.
In this spirit, I hope you are all relaxing and spending time with friends and family. But also, showing charity to one another that makes spending time in each other’s company a sweet joy. Please keep me in prayer and I’ll pray for you as well.
I am especially thankful this year that we are beautifying the Church. The new mural of Our Lady and Her Son being serenaded by the angels is absolutely stunning and yet also tender. The original art it is based on is called “Song of the Angels” by William Bouguereau who painted it in 1881. There are many details in this work especially around the angels themselves. One angel is playing a tiny portative organ while another is literally floating (you can tell because her feet are off the ground), even though they all look like they’re standing. Instead of being alert and amazed like when she encountered the Archangel Gabriel, Mary is asleep and leaning against a tree. She must be really tired from taking care of her child.
In other news, Just as a reminder, we will be celebrating the Parish Feast of the Holy Innocents this Tuesday at 6 pm with a Traditional Latin Mass with Gregorian Chant.
Also, this Saturday’s Solemnity of the Motherhood of Mary (January 1st) is not a holy day of obligation this year because it falls on a Saturday. So, there will be no additional Masses on the schedule. However, because January 1st is a first Saturday, there will also be a Traditional Latin Mass at 9 am that morning. What a perfect way to begin the new year.
God bless, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Feast of the Holy Family!
God bless!
Fr. Carter
P.S. If anyone can find a song that can be played on a portative organ, lute and violin, I’d love to guess what those angels could be playing.