Week of December 30, 2018

Week of December 30, 2018


Dear Parishioners,

I have a couple topics I would like to address this week.

  • First and most importantly, you may have noticed that Fr. Leon has been absent from Mass over the past month. I did not want to say anything about this at first because I initially thought he would be away for a weekend, and then I thought he’d be away for a couple weeks. Then, it turned out he will be away for at least a couple months. I do not want to go into too much detail about why this is. But, I can say that it is healthrelated and you should keep Fr. Leon in your prayers during this time of recovery.
  • Second, we will be depending on a number of priests over the next couple months to say many of the Masses for the parish. Please keep in mind that they are all guests that are helping us out. So, it would be good if you took the time to thank the various priests that are helping us. There are many places in the world and even in our own country with far less priests and we should be glad that we have a number of them to cover our needs during this time.
  • Third, I would like to publicly thank everyone for your generous gifts to the St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Christmas program. I’m sure that you made people very happy over Christmas.
  • Fourth, I would like to thank everyone who made gifts to me for Christmas. It is all appreciated.
  • Lastly, as I mentioned in a previous bulletin, I would like to create a digital photo album covering our 60 year history. Dr. Nito Pineda volunteered to help me do this. So, if you have any photos already scanned, you can send them to npineda469@aol.com with the title, “Holy Innocents Pictures” in the subject line.

As we approach the year 2019, we should all pray for the Lord’s blessings. This year is a brand new opportunity to love Christ in the world and in the Blessed Sacrament. May we all grow in holiness during this new year.

God bless,

Father Carter