Week of January 14, 2024

Week of January 14, 2024


Dear Parishioners,

The Day of Prayer for the Unborn (Monday, January 22nd) is coming up quickly and the Church asks for us to pray, and do penance for the sin of abortion that day. To aid us in this task, the USCCB has put together a special Novena for Life which begins January 16th and lasts until the 24th. If you wish to participate you can sign up on their website or just check back each day to pray.

Here is the website: https://www.respectlife.org/9-days-signup

On that website, they even have printable versions of the Novena as well as other resources. The Novena itself is not that long. It involves a specific intention like, “May the tragic practice of abortion end.”, some set prayers, a reflection, and a specific act of penance someone can do for this sin. You can pray this with your family, small group or individually.

Often I find that people don’t know what they can do to promote life and to change the world on this issue. We have a society that has fully embraced abortion and treat it like healthcare, when we know by science and faith that it is unjustly ending the life of an innocent human being. While the task to change minds is great, we have to recognize that God is greater. At the very least, we can pray for the end of this national sin and that hearts may be turned.

So, please, sign up for this novena and pray it each of the days.

God bless!

Fr. Carter