Dear Parishioners,
This Friday is the March for Life in Washington, D.C. As you may know, this March is an important protest against the infringement of the rights of the weakest members of our society: those who are unborn. We currently live in a nation that constantly violates the rights of the unborn allowing mothers to kill their own unborn children at any time for any reason. The Church has always stood against this injustice and all Catholics should as well. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states the case well when it says:
“The moment a positive law deprives a category of human beings of the protection which civil legislation ought to accord them, the state is denying the equality of all before the law. When the state does not place its power at the service of the rights of each citizen, and in particular of the more vulnerable, the very foundations of a state based on law are undermined…. As a consequence of the respect and protection which must be ensured for the unborn child from the moment of conception, the law must provide appropriate penal sanctions for every deliberate violation of the child’s rights.” (CCC 2273)
The sin of abortion effects our entire society. It fundamentally changes how we think about those who are weak and in need and we begin to think of ending life as a viable means of dealing with the ills of society. In response to it we all must take our part to oppose it both politically and spiritually. We oppose it politically by voting for politicians who will enact laws limiting and eventually overturning abortion. We oppose it spiritually by prayer and penance. This means that if you have ever participated in the sin of abortion, I assure you that God still loves you and that there is hope. Please, I beg you, go to the sacrament of confession and talk to a priest about this sin even if you don’t think you’re ready to confess it. Christ’s healing power if available to all who desire to be forgiven. Even if you have not participated in this sin directly, we still have to do penance for it. So, this Friday especially, please take on some sort of additional penance for those who are involved in this sin. These can be simple things like giving up a type of food or meal, not watching any TV that day or additional prayer or works of charity. The point is to offer it up that hearts may be opened to the reality of the gravity of this sin and in reparation for our country’s support of it.
We are doing all of this because we should want a society based on justice, peace and a celebration of life. Life is good because it is a gift of God. It is a gift that should not be wasted or treated as a burden. We live in a great society that can raise people out of poverty. We can think of better solutions to what afflicts it than participating in intrinsic evil.
God bless!
Father Carter