Week of July 17, 2022

Week of July 17, 2022


Dear Parishioners,

As you may have noticed, the church has gone through many improvements over the last year. These include the murals in the sanctuary, the icon of the Holy Innocents, the installation of a baptistry, making a second sacristy, installing the bell system, the tiling in the sanctuary and adding potted plants to the front of the Church. These have all been great improvements and I thank everyone who has donated money to our second collection in order to make it happen. I would also like to thank Lawrence Ghezzi for being a driving force for many of these improvements.

I bring this up for two reasons. First, to encourage you all to continue giving to the second collection which is for Church Renovation. Second, I would like to let you know the following plans I have for the future use of funds:

  • New kneelers. As you may have noticed, some of the kneelers in church were missing last week and this week they have been replaced with brand new red ones. Within a few weeks, they will all be replaced. These kneelers are thicker, more durable and (I think) look nicer than the previous ones. Plus, all the kneelers in the church will now match. Feel free to try out the new ones and thank you for your patience during their installation.
  • Restoration of the stations of the cross. As many of you may recall, there used to be stations of the cross around the flagpoles between the church and the rectory. After being there for years, they were falling over one by one. So, we had to take them down. We plan to restore them, though, along the crosswalk between the school and the field.
  • Gazebo. We plan to install a gazebo on the center island in front of the church doors. This will be a great place for people to talk after Mass and also be useful as a place where priests can hear confessions outside if the need arises again.
  • Installing a mural centered around the risen Jesus at the back of the Church. Lastly and most ambitiously, we would like to install another mural in the back of church which incorporates the risen Christ statue. It’ll be a scene of heaven which is an important thing to reflect on as we leave Mass because going to heaven should be our goal in this life.

With your continued donations, we can plan to make these improvements a reality. Thanks again for the help.

God bless!

Fr. Carter