Week of June 13, 2021

Week of June 13, 2021


Dear Parishioners,

We are beginning a new project to beautify the Church. We have recently repainted the sanctuary and have taken down the Sanctuary Curtain banners. This in itself makes the sanctuary look a lot cleaner, newer and really enhances the stained glass window behind the crucifix. However, this is only the first step of what I have planned with the decoration committee to really make the church more attractive.

In the near future, we plan to do the following:

  • Place an icon of Jesus and the Holy Innocents behind the tabernacle. This large image is being framed right now and it should be there in a few weeks.
  • Lay down tile in the sanctuary. The carpet in the sanctuary has been getting worn in recent years and the tile will be a cream color that will pair well with the colors already present in church and make the sanctuary look more stately. The tiles are unavailable until August. I look forward to seeing this done.
  • Put pavers down in the front entrance of the church. The concrete in the front of the Church is getting very worn and if we are going to repair that, we might as well make it also pleasing to the senses.
  • Continued landscaping. As we repair the sprinkler system, we can have more plant life and even potted plants out to enhance the beauty of the outside of Church.

The Church is the house of God. Therefore, we should make it as beautiful of a house as possible. Beauty in itself is beneficial to people because we naturally want to be in beautiful and orderly places. Being around beauty is beneficial to our minds as well as our spirits because all beauty is a reflection of God Himself who is even more beautiful than His creation.

I hope that people can appreciate these changes and support me on this endeavor. Unless otherwise mentioned, the second collection basket will be for “Church renovation” and will go towards making our Church as lovely as possible. If anyone has any questions, my email is toddcarterpriest@gmail.com and I appreciate any feedback.

God bless!

Fr. Carter

P.S. I would like to thank Lawrence Ghezzi and Wayne Berning especially for their help in decorating. If you like the good work they are doing and you know them, then please let them know as well. They have also been very helpful in making our chapel more orderly and I think that has done wonders for the people who worship there.