Week of June 9, 2024

Week of June 9, 2024


Dear Parishioners,

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Eucharistic Procession last week on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Our Christ. It is always beautiful to see so many people adore our Lord in the most Blessed Sacrament and it was made even more beautiful by your participation. I specifically thank the Knights for carrying the canopy (and for Jim Maliff who organized them), the servers for serving Mass, Deacon John for arranging the servers and Christa our Music director for providing lovely music.

In my homily last week, I talked about how important it is for us to have devotion to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. But, there really wasn’t enough time to get into details. (It was already one of my longer homilies.) So, I am going to take time here to list ways we can be more devoted to the Blessed Sacrament.

First, in order to receive Our Lord fruitfully, you need to be in a state of grace. That means that we should go to confession if we discern we have a mortal sin on our soul or if it has been a year since the last time we have been to confession. I have written about this topic extensively. So, I hope stating this simply will suffice for now.

Second, we ought to be mentally prepared. We should be familiar with what is going on in Mass. This includes being aware of what the actions and words of Mass mean and why we do them. Also, it includes being aware of the particular readings of the Mass before you go to it in order to be primed for what you’ll hear in the homily. Lastly, it is a matter of attentiveness which is helped by filling your mind with what is holy and good and not being preoccupied with images and thoughts that lead you from God. Also, you ought to spend time in prayer during the week. (Like praying a devotion or being with our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration or Thursdays.)

Third, we ought to be externally prepared. If a famous actor or athlete were to come to your house for dinner, wouldn’t you dress nicer, tidy your house or at least prepare a special meal rather than what you normally eat? The same principle applies to coming to the Blessed Sacrament. We are reminded by the sacredness of what we receive if we likewise externally prepare ourselves to receive it. This includes dressing nicely, making the responses and singing the music.

Lastly, we should be striving for holiness by living a life of charity. Are you living your life for yourself or as a gift to others?

Obviously, if we try to do everything at once, we will not accomplish anything at all. So, if you feel daunted by a list like this, I suggest you take one thing to work on and do that as best you can. Once you are doing better with that aspect, move on to another.
God Bless!

Fr. Carter