Dear Parishioners,
Recently the Vatican released a clarification of the motu proprio (a disciplinary document from the Pope himself) called Traditionis Custodes. This document states that Traditional Latin Masses (1962 Missal) are no longer allowed in parish churches. However, our bishop and many others dispensed from this directive for pastoral reasons. The recent clarification states that this discipline is reserved to the Pope and cannot be dispensed by the bishops. So, we have no choice but to not hold any more Traditional Latin masses in the parish churches anymore.
The Pope is restricting the Traditional Latin Mass because he feels that those who attend it challenge the authority of the Second Vatican Council and it leads to division in the church. I may strongly disagree with this reasoning and believe that there are better ways to deal with these problems if it is true. I may even believe that this directive will drive people into the arms of schismatic groups such as the Society of Pius X or Sedevacantists (people who claim to be Catholic, but do not think the Pope is legitimately the Pope). However, I recognize I have no capacity to judge or contradict the Holy Father who I do believe is appointed by God to oversee the Church on earth. It is up to God to judge all of his actions, not me. And in my limited scope, I fully admit and hope that I am wrong in all of my assertions and opinions on this matter. I converted to Catholicism because I believe the Church is true, not because I always thought those in charge would make decisions I agree with.
So in accord with Custodes, we will make the following liturgical changes to our mass schedule:
- The Third Sunday Traditional Latin mass at 3 pm will be moved to the chapel of the Upper Room Spiritual Center.
- The First Saturday Latin Mass will continue to be in Latin and will follow the rubrics of the current missal.
- Both of these Masses will still feature Gregorian Chant.
I hope that is all clear. Please pray for the Church!
God bless!
Fr. Carter