Dear Parishioners,
This is my second bulletin letter about the Synod on Synodality. During the Synod, many people expressed a need to have more community in the Church. Parishioners apparently desire more op- portunities to spend time with fellow Catholics to simply talk about daily concerns. These groups could easily center around someone’s state in life like having a women’s group, men’s group, par- ents group, youth group, etc.
I can see many benefits to having these kinds of groups. On one hand, I can see groups like these to be an important way for people to reconnect now that Covid-19 is calming down. Not to mention even before the pandemic, people were becoming more and more isolated from each other. Also, these groups could encourage people to volunteer in the parish or be a setting where people can learn about the faith, even if that is not the main point. Also, sometimes people just need to share fellowship so that they know other people are going through the same things they are.
In order to meet this need, I can arrange with the school to have the cafeteria available some nights, or even people could sometimes meet in the chapel or in the meeting room in the rectory. So, limited space is available if anyone would like to start a community group. I cannot be in charge of running any myself, though, because I already have and I am not a member of all demographics. So, feel free to reach out to me if you would like to start a group by calling me at the office. Or by emailing me directly
Already, some people have approached me to start different groups. This includes a men’s group and a group for Catholics who have experienced divorce. I will inform you all if and when we have dates for any of those events. Also, I have re-purposed my Parish Board Game night to Parish Board Game and Fellowship Night to encourage people to just come and hang out if they would like to. (I personally find having specific activities, like games, as the core of a social gathering to be more fun. But, I know I have the minority opinion.)
God bless,
Fr. Carter
P.S. The next Parish Board Game & Fellowship Night is on Friday May 27th, at 6 pm in the Cafeteria. Feel free to come, eat pizza and have fun.