Dear Parishioners,
I do not think there is a doctrine of the Church that is so misunderstood as Purgatory. I have noticed more and more that even many Catholics do not understand it. So, I would like to address certain things that people have asked me about Purgatory and try to explain them as best I can. For a more systematic approach to the subject please see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraphs 1030-1032.
Is Purgatory part of Hell?
Absolutely not. The only thing Purgatory and Hell have in common is that both are described as painful, and fire is the most common image to describe this type of pain. However, if someone is in Hell, they are there forever and tormented without the grace of God. They cannot be happy because they are denied what they are made for: to know and to love God. Meanwhile, a soul in Purgatory has great hope because it is a temporary place where one is healed before they enter Heaven. In many ways, Heaven is unimaginable because we can never experience in this world a place of perfect goodness and dedication to the worship of God. It takes a lifetime of overcoming sin in order to go there directly at death. So, a soul in Purgatory is making the preparations to go to heaven after death.
Is Purgatory Limbo?
No, but I can understand the confusion. Limbo was a common teaching of the Church that has since fallen out of favor. Though we are free to hold it, the Church no longer teaches it. The theory was that children who were not baptized and passed away did not deserve to go to Hell. However, theologians for centuries did not think one could go to heaven without being baptized. So, they concluded that there must be a place of natural happiness without punishment and they came up with Limbo. Limbo was not thought to be a place of suffering, but it also lacks the presence of God. Now, most theologians find this point of view untenable since one cannot be happy even in a natural sense without God and God is not bound by His sacraments. The Catechism now teaches (in paragraph 1261) that we lift up all children who die early to the mercy of God. (Note of clarification: Limbo of Children is distinct from the Limbo of the Fathers which refers to the place of waiting for the just people of the Old Testament before the coming of Christ.)
Is God cruel for allowing people to go to Purgatory?
No. God would be cruel to allow us to go to Hell for venial sins. Purgatory is a place for those with venial sins on their soul to be healed before entering Heaven. I think the only ways this belief could be interpreted as cruel is for people to deny the reality and permanence of Hell itself or deny that it is possible for people to go there if they die with mortal sin. Purgatory might be seen as cruel. But, it’s the type of cruelty that a personal trainer might have on someone if they are resistant to exercise that they need. At first a person might hate running, jumping and lifting weights. But, overtime as one becomes stronger and healthier, they begin to see why exercising is necessary and even enjoy it. Heaven is like an endless marathon of loving God with our whole hearts. We need to be prepared with the exercise of prayer, charitable works and denying ourselves. If we are not completely ready to go to Heaven when we die, God in His mercy allows us a little time to catch up in Purgatory.
I hope that helps you. If it has, then please take a moment to pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory as is the custom in the month of November. If you have any questions feel free to ask me at my email:
God bless!
Father Carter