Week of September 3, 2017

Week of September 3, 2017


Dear Parishioners,

I have good news: I’m going to run a Bible Study this Fall. The study is titled, “The Bible and the Sacraments,” and it is from the Journey through Scripture series from the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. It is an eleven part series which uses video presentations and study questions in order to teach. This study gives me great hope that it could help people deepen their understanding of the Bible and how it applies to our sacramental life.

The meetings will be held in the school conference room at 7 pm on the Mondays that CCD is meeting, starting on September 18. All are welcome to attend. But, I am hoping especially to attract parents of CCD students who would like have something to do while their children are taking their classes. You do not need to come in knowing anything about the faith. But even if you think you do know something, there is always something more to learn. If you are a parent, I suggest just giving one lesson a try and seeing if it is worth your time. Attending the classes will be free. But, if you want to own the workbook that comes with the course (which is optional though useful), it will cost ten dollars. Normally, these books cost twenty dollars. But I was able to get a substantial discount from attending a priest conference this year.

It is tremendously important that we as Catholics have a deep understanding of Scripture. It is God’s revelation to us and He still speaks through it even today. Sometimes at Mass we can get caught up in doing what we have to do and not taking time to pray or even realize how it connects to Scripture. But, all the sacraments have some biblical root, even the ones not explicitly taught in Scripture. As the Catechism says, the sacraments are the masterworks of God. They give us the sanctifying grace we need to go live the Christian life. They are all the more efficacious in our lives if we understand what is going on in them. I hope that this study will help people to understand more and therefore grow in holiness. For more information, you may visit their website: www.BibleandtheSacraments.com


Fr. Carter

P.S. I have recently started a Facebook page for the parish. If you are on Facebook, please ‘Like’ it. I am still putting together content for it. But, it should be a useful tool to connect to others. The address is: https://www.facebook.com/HolyInnocentsNeptune/