Dear Parishioners, First, I would like to thank Carol Maliff, the Pastoral Council and everyone else who worked hard to make sure the Parish 60th Anniversary Dinner went well. It…
Week of August 18, 2019
Dear Parishioners, This weekend is our 60th Anniversary of the Parish. This is a huge achievement and a moment to remember how far we have all come. I am blessed…
Week of August 11, 2019
Dear Parishioners, Humility is the virtue by which we see ourselves as God sees us, both our faults and virtues. Sometimes people mistake humility with looking down on yourself. But,…
Week of August 4, 2019
Dear Parishioners, August is the month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She is Immaculate because from the first moment of conception she is without any stain of Original Sin….
Week of July 28, 2019
Dear Parishioners, Archbishop Fulton Sheen may become a saint soon. His canonization process is moving forward and we should all pray for this to happen. He was a great voice…
Week of July 14, 2019
Dear Parishioners, Let’s talk about prayer. According to the Catechism, Prayer is “the raising of one’s mind and heart to God, or the petition of good things from Him in…
Week of July 7, 2019
Dear Parishioners, I hope everyone is having a wonderful beginning of summer. Normally around this time, the work of the parish calms down. However, this July is proving to be…
June 30, 2019
Dear Parishioners, Earlier this month, California passed a law which would require priests to break the seal of confession if the penitent confesses the crime of sexual abuse of a…
Week of June 23, 2019
Dear Parishioners, I have been thinking about something lately. This past winter, I discontinued the distribution of communion from the chalice because of flu season. Since then, I have not…
Week of June 16, 2019
Dear Parishioners, As you know, the Diocese of Trenton takes the protection of minors very seriously. Whenever the Diocese receives any accusation against clergy, we immediately report it to the…