Dear Parishioners, Since being appointed the Pastor of Holy Innocents Church in May, I have been working to reestablish the Pastoral Council. In order to maintain continuity, I have included…
Week of September 10, 2017
Dear Parishioners, I hope everyone had a wonderful summer. Welcome back to everyone who was on vacation. As we begin a new school year, I have just some brief points…
Week of September 3, 2017
Dear Parishioners, I have good news: I’m going to run a Bible Study this Fall. The study is titled, “The Bible and the Sacraments,” and it is from the Journey…
Week of August 27, 2017
Dear Parishioners, I want to take a moment to update you all on the implementation of Faith in Our Future. As many of you know we are part of Cohort…
Week of August 20, 2017
Dear Parishioners, As many of you know, we have not had Youth Ministry in the parish for a number of years. We have Religious Education, our School and sports programs…
Week of August 13, 2017
Dear Parishioners, The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth (SCN) will be here next weekend to share SCN Family stories with the Holy Innocents Parish Community. Monica Boggs, SCN Associate will…
Week of August 6, 2017
FIOF Communication, vol.1, no. 1 – August 2017 Our parish is part of a diocesan strategic planning program entitled Faith in Our Future (FIOF). The following facts and information about…
Week of July 30, 2017
Dear Parishioners, In our Gospel today Jesus calls the Kingdom of Heaven a treasure buried in a field. To someone living in Jesus’ time, the Kingdom refers to the Kingdom…
Week of July 23, 2017
Dear Parishioners, A couple weeks ago, I went to the choir practice to talk to them about a liturgical issue. I noticed that the congregation almost always applauds during the…
Week of July 16, 2017
Dear Parishioners, I recently had an opportunity to travel to Rome, Italy. Even though it was my fourth trip there, each time I go, I come back with a new…